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Overview of the Parking Scheme 



Any non-service vehicle parked on the roads in the schemes must be covered by a parking permit.

The scheme is in operation on Monday - Saturday from 8am to 6pm

Permits cost £20 each.

Number of permits allowed per household:

  • Resident permits - a vehicle registered to a property can have a permit. (max 3)

  • Visitors permits - a maximum of 3 permits can be applied for. 

  • Special Event - if a resident is having a party/special event during the times the scheme is in operation (Monday-Saturday, 8am -6pm) they should contact Parking Services in advance of the event and they will try to accommodate the request


A car always displaying a blue badge doesn't require a permit.

A grace period of 10 minutes is allowed when arriving at a house,


To apply for a permit                                          or call 024 7683 3400 option 3


Uniformed Civil Enforcement Officers will be patrolling the streets. They will have hand held devices that scan the number plate and tell them if a vehicle has a permit.


The roads will be patrolled multiple times per week but will depend upon:

  • the availability of civil enforcement officers

  • the number of people parking in contravention

  • the complaints about specific areas

  • residents reporting a suspect vehicle


Parking Enforcement phone numbers

  • Misuse of a visitor’s pass - 024 7683 4367

  • Not sure if a car has a permit - 024 7683 4367

  • Change virtual visitors pass registration number - 024 7683 3400 option 3

  • Buy a new permit - 024 7683 3400 option 3

  • Query the status of a PCN (Penalty Charge Notices) - 024 7683 3400 













Promoted by Pauline Venables on behalf of Cheylesmore Ward Conservatives, both of Ground Floor Office, Holly Bush House, CV11 4AR 

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